"HARD News: Gingrich WARNS Trump NOT TO BLOCK Investigation Of Hillary"

Published: Nov. 24, 2016, 10:30 p.m.

Gingrich: Trump shouldn't tell DOJ to ignore Clinton's potential wrongdoing. "For President-elect Donald Trump to tell his government to ignore Hillary Clintonâ??s potential criminal wrongdoing, that â??would be a tremendous blow to the rule of law,â?? former House Speaker Newt Gingrich warned Wednesday. Trump reneged on his campaign pledge to have instruct his attorney general to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Clintonâ??s private email server as secretary of state, telling New York Times reporters Tuesday, â??Itâ??s just not something that I feel very strongly about.â?? http://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/trump-clinton-prosecution-newt-gingrich-231792