"HARD News: DEBUNKED! Hilliary The Racist???" With Terri Lynn

Published: Oct. 13, 2016, 6 p.m.

http://www.salon.com/2015/07/25/bill_clintons_gutsy_apologies_now_he_owes_one_to_ricky_ray_rector/** WHO ARE THE RACISTS in this election? Bill and Hillary Clinton. Bill fathered a black son that he and Hillarys disavowed, and here WE HAVE VIDEO of Hillary telling a BLACK man who is atriculating his concerns and Hillary replied "If thats how you feel, I will only talk to WHITE PEOPLE" CAN YOU IMAGINE if there was VIDEO of Donald trump saying this!! My African American friends, YOU DO NOT HAVE A FRIEND IN HILLARY! A MUST WATCH VIDEO! If I were trump I would relentlessly hit her with this, "Oh you cant problems solve the problems in the black communities? Thats where the most problems are. If I were Trump Id play this video over and over, and show the black community that I would work WITH THEM on the problems they faced! SPREAD THIS EVERY WHERE!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnDneENJLaU** VIDEO EVIDENCE HILLARY IS A STAUNCH RACIST: She tells this black man "I will only talk to whites". CAN YOU IMAGINE if Donald Trump let the words, "I will only talk to whites come out of HIS mouth how the media would be reacting!!! Its up to US to spread the truth! Hillary IS NOT the black persons friend! WHo endorsed Trump: Shaq, Mike Tyson, MLK Niece and LOUIS FARRKHAN