#4444 - Night Shadows - "Wall Or No Wall That Is The Question" With Larry Taylor & Stewart Best

Published: Jan. 9, 2019, 7:15 a.m.

The stand-off continues, threats and counter-threats as the U.S. Government fulfills prophecy of an internal melt-down. Will Trump declare emergency powers, a defacto martial law operation? He promised in his speech last night that he would protect the American people because that was what his oath of office said and "so help me God" appears to be a warning that MARTIAL LAW will soon be here in one form or another - another step towards full constitutional removal, a sort of like the frog in the water will jump out of boiling water, but you can bring the temperature up slowly and he will cook to death - like the American people, who have seen their bill of rights eroded slowly over many years, and a final coup will come and the fate of America will be sealed and done with. Something is wrong with this picture, and something is going on behind the scenes we don't know about. No way is the Illuminati going to drop what they have for years been trying to bring about! They will use any method, any trick, any deception, including a Trump deception to accomplish what they want and more... Thanks for listening and if you feel led to: Stewart’s email: enigma@truinsight.com Become a NIGHT SHADOWS Member for just $9.95 per month: http://nightshadows.valueaddon.com/us... The best way to stay in touch with us is to be on the email list: http://eepurl.com/bs1HBv