#4098 - Night Shadows - "Gas Attack In Syria..." With Larry Taylor & Stewart Best

Published: Nov. 25, 2018, 5:15 a.m.

Remember the two other staged gas attacks that were blamed upon Assad? The USA/CIA appear to be at it again as an excuse to bring down Assad. Russia blames the USA and now it appears that we may have a direct USA-Russian war as the USA & GLOBAL DEEP STATE make their final push for World War Three using Syria as their excuse. Putin surely will respond as Putin is Assad's chief defense. With the US taking out one of Putins S300 missile systems the other day, it appears we are very close to major hostilities in the Middle East. Then we have what appears to be a final push on our southern border to invade the USA. It is all right on time, as MARTIAL LAW may well be in the offering per the Protocols for the final take-over plans of the DEEP STATE... Thanks for listening and if you feel led to: Stewart’s email: enigma@truinsight.com Become a NIGHT SHADOWS Member for just $9.95 per month: http://nightshadows.valueaddon.com/us... One time donations – please copy paste into your browser: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr... If you do not have a PayPal account, just click on “DONATE with debit or credit card” Stewart Best P.O. Box 55 Downsville, WI 54735 Larry Taylor P.O. Box 197 Smithville, OK 74957 The best way to stay in touch with us is to be on the email list: http://eepurl.com/bs1HBv