#291 - "U.S. Under Direct Threat From We The People!" W/Jordin-El

Published: Sept. 16, 2016, 3 a.m.

http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=49151#more-49151 Dear Members of Congress, Surely you know by now that We the People are on to your game of treason and treachery. After nearly 8 years of a traitor in the White House you have all failed â?? DISMALLY â?? in your official responsibilities to uphold the U.S. Constitution. There has not been even one official overture to impeach the current criminal in the Oval Office. Unlike one of your own â?? the esteemed former Congressman from Texas, Ron Paul â?? it is extremely difficult to find even one of you to speak the unvarnished truth. In the meantime you have allowed a sitting POTUS to shred the Constitution through his unlawful executive orders. Every move Obama makes undermines the Legislative Branch as he methodically arrogates tyrannical powers to the Executive Branch, and especially to the office of the President. For this profound violation of the Founding Documents of the United States of America, you are ALL complicit â?¦ as you have permitted, and often times abetted, his systematic abrogation of the Constitution and particularly the Bill of Rights. This nation has never seen such overt and serial criminality in high office.