Deconstructing the Art of the Interview

Published: Sept. 30, 2019, 3:40 p.m.

In this episode, Ryan Hawk, host of the Learning Leader Show, and Jay Acunzo deconstruct the art of conducting a great interview for shows and in conversation with others. Among other things, we'll explore...

-What to do when the other person won't open up.

-How to create an environment where others feel they can share their best ideas (i.e. how to cut through the corporate babble)

-Deconstructing Ryan's three most challenging interviews: NBA player JJ Redick, filmmaker/screenwriter/TV showrunner Brian Koppelman, and TV show host Adam Savage.

-The delicate dance of the interview: how to master the right moves to make the interview go your way.

-And so much more...

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