WestWorld, S02E10- The Passenger

Published: Nov. 23, 2018, 12:30 p.m.

b'First thing\'s first! Please check out our sponsor, Day 11 Podcast at www.day11podcast.com and give them some love! I would like to report that on this our final episode, I finally got why they are called that. I am not proud.
This episode was not my favorite, and I\'m totally sitting here willing to hear you out if you\'ve got some information that will help me out with deciphering this. I watched it a couple times, read some articles that supposedly broke the timelines down, RoShawn watched a video that allegedly would help us make sense of it...and yet. We still struggled throughout this whole episode (it doesn\'t help that RoShawn was on a bunch of medication and foggy as hell).
I can\'t help but wonder if the show is falling into that trap of trying to do to much and be too clever, you know? Like they still wanted to play with time the way they did last season, but because they knew everyone was going to be looking for that, they decided to make it trickier...to the point that you need charts and graphs to make sense of it, which is frankly just not how I want to watch TV.
And there were other issues this season, like Wyatt\'s plan that made no sense at Forlorn Hope. I have gotten a lot of comments and messages suggesting what that plan was about, and the fact that it seemed like everyone had a totally different (and very unsupported) theory makes me feel pretty secure in my camp, which I call "It Didn\'t Make Sense And They\'re Just Hoping You Will Be Distracted By How Ruthless Wyatt Is And Not Notice".
Anyway, here\'s hoping that the next season will be a little more coherent. Thanks for listening, everyone, and I can\'t wait to see you again.'