Unseen Leadership Episode 17: J.D. Greear on Doing Meaningful Things with Awesome People

Published: Sept. 18, 2019, noon

In this episode of the Unseen Leadership podcast, Chandler Vannoy and Josh Hunter are joined by JD Greear who is the pastor of The Summit Church, President of the Southern Baptist Convention, host of the Ask Me Anything podcast, and author of many books including his latest Above All.  During their conversation, they discuss the need for surrounding yourself with great people, practical ways to create a healthy culture, and making mistakes slowly. QUOTES FROM EPISODE 17: “You don’t get leadership bestowed on you by a position, and if you do, those end up becoming the worst kind of leaders.” “It is the people you surround yourself with that determines both the quality of your ministry and life.” “Do meaningful things with awesome people.” “Make your biggest mistakes slowly.” “Pastors consistently overestimate what they can do in a church in 5 years and they underestimate what they can accomplish in 20 years.” “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” “When I’m sick of saying it, our staff has just started to hear it. And when they are finally sick of hearing it, that means the congregational probably just heard it for the first time.” “It shouldn’t be who is in the room that determines a decision, but instead, it should be our values.” “Fame is making yourself accessible to a bunch of people you don’t really care about at the expense of those you do care about.” RESOURCES MENTIONED Gaining by Losing by J.D. Greear Good to Great by Jim Collins Confronting Christianity by Rebecca McLaughlin Destiny of the Republic by Candice Millard The Curse of Oak Island by Randall Sullivan Hero of the Empire by Candice Millard