Paranormal Bonus Interview on the Deviatus Podcast

Published: June 13, 2017, 11:44 p.m.

In this exclusive Paranormal interview, Michael is joined by Host of the Deviatus Podcast, Jeremy Enfinger (@deviatuspod) to talk about their paranormal experiences in life, and what this meansin the mental health world. You can find the original podcast episode here or on

"When people experience something strange, whether it’s being touched by an unseen force, seeing an apparition or shadow figure, or hearing voices, we tend to either look for validation of that experience or try to find an explanation in an attempt to categorize what happened.  For some of us, these things can be easily dismissed as an active imagination, a hallucination - where the human mind assigns context to randomness.  While some believe they truly have witnessed evidence of the afterlife, spiritual beings, or angels and demons, others consider the possibility of the presence of mental illness like schizophrenia, or at least they are readily accused of if.  But in reality, not all unexplained phenomena fit perfectly into one of these little boxes."
— Jeremy, Host of the Deviatus Podcast

show notes —-

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