
Published: March 21, 2023, midnight

b'Sometimes,\\nIt feels like I\\u2019m swimming\\nIn a river\\nOf my own thoughts.\\n.\\nSometimes,\\nIt seems like\\nI\\u2019m overwhelmed\\nIn a sea\\nThat crushes me.\\n.\\nSometimes,\\nIt feels like\\nI\\u2019m not swimming\\nI\\u2019m sinking\\nTo the bottom.\\n.\\nSometimes,\\nI remember\\nThat I have hope\\nThat saves;\\nHope in Jesus.\\n.\\nAnd every time,\\nHope dives\\nInto the ocean\\nAnd draws me\\nOut of my distress. \\u2022 Rereloluwa Bajomo\\n.\\n\\u2022 What kinds of things make you feel overwhelmed? Have you ever felt like\\nthe author of this poem?\\n.\\n\\u2022 Read Psalm 116:1-7. How does God respond to our distress?\\n.\\n\\u2022 Jesus not only saves us from sin and death, He is also near to us\\nwhenever we are in trouble or afraid. Even when we feel overwhelmed, we can\\nrest in the sure hope that He loves us and will never leave us. How could\\nthese truths comfort us when we feel distressed?\\n.\\nI was overcome by distress and sorrow\\u2026. when I was brought low, he saved\\nme. Psalm 116:3,6 (NIV)\\n\\xa0\\nRead Verses:\\nPs.37.24|Ps.91.14-Ps.91.16|Ps.94.19|Isa.43.2|Ps.116.3'