
Published: Oct. 25, 2023, 4 a.m.

b'READ: MATTHEW 11:28-30; 1 PETER 4:10-11\\n\\n\\n\\nDo you know what I hate? Limits. I hate that I\\u2019m a finite being and I can\\u2019t do everything. I hate that I can\\u2019t have all the skills, all the energy, and all the knowledge. I can\\u2019t do all the things, and I can\\u2019t be all the things. And I hate that.\\n\\n\\n\\nBut I\\u2019m learning not to hate it anymore. I used to think it was valiant to hate limits. I\\u2019ve always been told that I can do anything, be anything. And limits keep me from doing everything I want to do and being everything I want to be. So I have to hate them and overcome them, right?\\n\\n\\n\\nWell, sometimes. Some limits do need to be overcome. But not all of them. Because, do you know who gave me these limits? God. And do you know the only one who doesn\\u2019t have limits? God. So when I try to push past every limit and when I start expecting myself to be able to do everything, I\\u2019m trying to do God\\u2019s job. I\\u2019m trying to be God. And I am definitely not God.\\n\\n\\n\\nGod has given me gifts and abilities and energy, and I\\u2019m so grateful for them. They are valuable and wonderful and useful. But there are some gifts and abilities that I don\\u2019t have, and my energy is not endless. And that\\u2019s okay. I\\u2019m learning to accept that. Because my worth is not found in my abilities. My worth is found in Jesus, who took on our limits by becoming human. He died and rose again to make the way for me to be with Him forever. He put me in community with other believers who have other gifts and abilities, so we can lean on each other instead of trying to do everything ourselves. When I rest in that truth, my limits become less scary.\\n\\n\\n\\nSo when I bump into my limits, I don\\u2019t have to be ashamed or afraid. I can say, \\u201cWell, I can\\u2019t do that right now. And that\\u2019s okay.\\u201d I am securely loved by our limitless God. I can trust Him to care for me and do the things I can\\u2019t do. And that fills me with limitless peace. \\u2022 Taylor Eising\\n\\n\\n\\n\\u2022 What kinds of limits have you experienced? Are there things you wish you could do that you just can\\u2019t do? Consider taking a moment to talk to God about these things. He invites us to be totally honest with Him about all our frustrations, fears, hopes, dreams, and hurts.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\u2022 God comforts us in our struggles, and He promises to make all things new when Jesus returns. Then we will have limitless energy, and we will get to enjoy doing wonderful things we can\\u2019t even imagine yet! Consider taking a moment to read 2 Corinthians 1:3-11. Why do you think God allows us to experience limits? How does He help us in the midst of our struggles?\\n\\n\\n\\n\\u201cCome to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I [Jesus] will give you rest.\\u201d Matthew 11:28 (CSB)'