Leaving the Ninety-Nine

Published: Sept. 2, 2021, midnight

b'Breathing deeply, I ran along a dusty ridge at twilight. This strange planet was rocky and laden with traps. My commanding officer had warned me not to take shortcuts but to think clearly about where each path would lead. He said this trail\\u2019s end contained wormholes to other worlds; my training would help me choose wisely. \\nI swerved around a boulder and saw a faint glow. Reaching the precipice, I skidded to a stop and discovered three large stone faces. Their mouths were taller than me, and their eyes glowed brighter as I neared.\\n\\xe2\\u20ac\\u0153Welcome, friend,\\xe2\\u20ac\\x9d said the first face. \\xe2\\u20ac\\u0153Yearning for something? Tell me your desires.\\xe2\\u20ac\\x9d He smiled, showing a full set of stone teeth. Something inside me ached to step closer.\\nThe center face rolled her eyes at him, pulling my attention. Then she said to me, \\xe2\\u20ac\\u0153You\\u2019re too important to waste your time on him. I\\u2019ll give you a kingdom to rule.\\xe2\\u20ac\\x9d\\nBut the first face\\u2019s smile only widened. \\xe2\\u20ac\\u0153Is not the purpose of power to increase one\\u2019s pleasure? I specialize in human delights. I\\u2019ll take you where your cravings lead.\\xe2\\u20ac\\x9d\\n\\xe2\\u20ac\\u0153Are you the wormholes?\\xe2\\u20ac\\x9d I asked.\\n\\xe2\\u20ac\\u0153We are,\\xe2\\u20ac\\x9d the first face replied. \\xe2\\u20ac\\u0153So, what pleases you? Money? Love? Just step inside.\\xe2\\u20ac\\x9d He opened his mouth wide. The desire inside me surged stronger.\\n\\xe2\\u20ac\\u0153You know nothing of love,\\xe2\\u20ac\\x9d the third face suddenly said to him. This new face squinted His eyes and looked at me. \\xe2\\u20ac\\u0153I have called you. I have a purpose for you deeper than yourself.\\xe2\\u20ac\\x9d\\n\\xe2\\u20ac\\u0153Lame!\\xe2\\u20ac\\x9d called the second face. She spoke to me, \\xe2\\u20ac\\u0153His purposes will never cause people to envy your position and power. You want respect! You want to be worshiped! Choose me. Step through here.\\xe2\\u20ac\\x9d She opened her mouth.\\nBut I walked to the third face. \\xe2\\u20ac\\u0153What purpose do you have for me?\\xe2\\u20ac\\x9d\\n\\xe2\\u20ac\\u0153I want you to be with me and enjoy me forever, for I am good. Following me means laying your own life down and serving others. In my kingdom, you will grow in wisdom and have steadfast peace, even when the trails are rough. Then, when the time is right, you will reign with me forever.\\xe2\\u20ac\\x9d He opened His mouth.\\nA force started dragging me toward the first two faces. \\xe2\\u20ac\\u0153Help me,\\xe2\\u20ac\\x9d I begged the third face. Instantly, I entered His mouth and rode the wormhole to a new life. \\u2022 Michelle Cochran\\n\\u2022 This story is an allegory of 1 John 2:15-17, which describes different types of temptations. As a human, Jesus faced all these temptations just like we do, but He never gave in (Matthew 4:1-11; Hebrews 4:14-16). Jesus lived a life that honored God the Father and served others. He did not strive to make a name for Himself or bring Himself fleeting pleasure. He even chose death on a cross so our sins could be forgiven, and He rose from the dead to offer us new life. If you\\u2019ve put your trust in Jesus, He has forgiven all your sin, and now His Holy Spirit is in you, helping you to follow Jesus. You will always have temptations in this world, but Jesus offers you the power to walk away from them and choose Him instead. What temptations are you facing today? \\n\\u2022 How might knowing and memorizing the Bible help you recognize deception and sin? How might \\xe2\\u20ac\\u0153keeping our eyes on Jesus\\xe2\\u20ac\\x9d help us follow Him instead of giving in to temptations (Hebrews 12:1-3)?\\n\\u2022 If you want to know more about what it means to put your trust in Jesus, check out our \\u201cKnow Jesus\\u201d page.\\nFor consider him who endured\\u2026 Hebrews 12:3a (CSB)\\n\\xa0\\nRead Verses:\\nLuke 15:1-7; John 10:1-21; 1 Timothy 2:4; 1 John 4:7-21'