I Am Here

Published: Aug. 31, 2021, midnight

b'Does the gospel affect how we treat the planet? I began wrestling with this question a couple years ago, and God has shown me so much of His goodness as I\\u2019ve sought Him.\\n1. This planet is good. God created everything with a purpose. He made this wonderful home for us, and we can live in it with joy.\\n2. We are called by God to be stewards of this good creation\\u2014to reign over it with love and care. It\\u2019s one of the first commands given to humanity (Genesis 1:28)!\\n3. God cares deeply about how we treat His creation. In Leviticus 25:1-7, He commands Israel to give the land a sabbath rest every seven years, which means that His people would have to completely depend on Him while the land got a chance to rest, regrow, and replenish. Unfortunately, Israel disobeyed God\\u2019s good commands, and God sent them to exile in Babylon. And, in 2 Chronicles 36:20-21, we see that one of the reasons the Israelites were exiled was for God to give the land the sabbath rest the Israelites always denied it. God takes this seriously.\\n4. When Adam and Eve sinned, brokenness entered all of God\\u2019s good creation, bringing death, hardship, and suffering. But, through Jesus\\u2019 life, death, and resurrection, He brought salvation to all of creation. If we\\u2019ve put our trust in Him, He promises to resurrect us from the dead so we can live eternally with Him. Jesus will one day return to restore all of creation\\u2014including His people! He will get rid of sin and all of its effects, like death, disease, and famine.\\nThis earth is where Jesus\\u2014God in human flesh\\u2014came to dwell and make His home with us. Because of this, I\\u2019m learning how to care for this planet well. That\\u2019s what God calls all of us to do\\u2014love this place like He loves it and tend it out of joy and gratitude, not fear or guilt. Jesus\\u2019 work on the cross means we can work toward caring for creation well, even as we rest in the secure hope that He is the only One who can ultimately save the planet. \\u2022 Taylor Eising\\n\\u2022 What is your favorite part of creation? How does it reflect God\\u2019s glory? \\n\\u2022 When we care for creation the way God intended, it makes life better for everyone! It helps the ground produce more healthy food and plants create more oxygen for us to breathe. How does this show love to our neighbor? How can caring for the planet point others to Jesus? \\nThen God blessed them and said, \\xe2\\u20ac\\u0153Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground.\\xe2\\u20ac\\x9d Genesis 1:28 (NLT)\\n\\xa0\\nRead Verses:\\nPsalm 34:4-9; Isaiah 6:8; Hebrews 4:16'