God Made Known

Published: Oct. 27, 2020, midnight

b'Music filled the air as the church celebrated Palm Sunday. Everyone was joyful\\u2014except me. As I sat in my pew, I realized I doubted the Bible. What should have been a joyous day became dark. My doubts scared me\\u2014what if I went to hell because of them? I entered a period of struggle and doubt, facing uncertainties about my relationship with God.\\nToday, I look back and see how Jesus used my struggles to lead me to study and learn for myself what the Bible said about Him. This led me to rest so much more deeply in the truths that Jesus had died for my sins and that His death and resurrection were my salvation. I gained a stronger faith in God and a new understanding of the gospel.\\nIt\\u2019s normal to face doubts and other kinds of trials as a Christian. These trials can be scary. It\\u2019s easy to worry you aren\\u2019t saved or God will stop loving you because of your questions. But God is with you, even when you face trials. And He can use even your deepest struggles and questions for good. In Christ, you are secure no matter what you face.\\nTrials force us to ask questions we\\u2019ve never asked. The answers to these questions grow our understanding of who God is and what He does for us. Because of the Holy Spirit, my doubts and questions lead me to understand the gospel better and better. Your spiritual struggles may not be the same as mine, but, regardless of what your trials are, remember they don\\u2019t define you. In Christ, these trials are a chance to grow.\\nIf you\\u2019re facing doubts or other spiritual struggles today, pray about them. God loves you and won\\u2019t leave you to face them alone. While it isn\\u2019t easy now, God is using whatever trials we face for His good kingdom purposes\\u2014to help us grow into mature Christians as we better understand who Jesus is. \\u2022 Nichole Cochran\\n\\u2022 What trials are you facing right now? \\n\\u2022 Read Hebrews 4:14-16. Why can we bring any struggle we are facing to Jesus? \\n\\u2022 What things has God taught you through past trials? \\nDear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. James 1:2-3 (NLT)\\n\\xa0\\nRead Verses:\\nJohn 1:14-18; Philippians 2:5-11'