Claiming Gods Promises

Published: June 15, 2020, midnight

b'God made a promise to Jacob (also called Israel) to turn his descendants into a great nation and give them a vast land. It was a repeat of the covenant made with his grandfather Abraham, which also included a clause to bless the earth through his family line. At the end of his life, Jacob claimed that promise. Though he\\u2019d been forced to relocate to Egypt because of famine, he made provision for his bones to be carried to the Promised Land for burial. He still believed God would one day give them the land.\\nWe can hold on to God\\u2019s promises as well. But we need to make surewe\\u2019re claiming them correctly. Many promises quoted on greeting cards and inspirational calendars have been ripped out of context. Some of these promises were given to specific groups or individuals and were never meant for us today. Others are conditional. And sometimes we falsely believe principles (such as those found in Proverbs) to be promises when they are not. However, the Bible does contain many promises we can claim in Christ. For example, God promises: \\n\\u2022 To provide a way out of temptation (1 Corinthians 10:13)\\u2022 To forgive those who confess their sin (1 John 1:9\\xe2\\u20ac\\u201c2:1)\\u2022 That no one can snatch us from His hand (John 10:28-29)\\u2022 That nothing can separate us from His love (Romans 8:38-39)\\u2022 That we can rest from trying to earn His favor (Matthew 11:28-30)\\u2022 To never abandon us (Hebrews 13:5)\\u2022 To return and judge the earth justly (Psalm 98:9; Luke 12:40)\\u2022 To dwell among His people forever, making all things new (Revelation 21:1-5)\\nIf you read God\\u2019s Word with discernment, you\\u2019ll begin to rightly claim the promises intended for you as a child of God in Christ. We can have hope because \\xe2\\u20ac\\u0153he who promised is faithful\\xe2\\u20ac\\x9d (Hebrews 10:23). \\u2022 Michelle Isenhoff\\n\\u2022 How does a principle such as the one found in Proverbs 15:6 differ from a promise? \\n\\u2022 The whole Bible is a true story that brings us to Jesus, the ultimate fulfillment of Scripture (Matthew 5:17-18; John 20:31; 2 Timothy 3:15-17). Why is it important to read Bible passages in context?\\nFor every one of God\\u2019s promises is \\xe2\\u20ac\\u0153Yes\\xe2\\u20ac\\x9d in him [Jesus]. Therefore, through him we also say \\xe2\\u20ac\\u0153Amen\\xe2\\u20ac\\x9d to the glory of God. 2 Corinthians 1:20 (CSB)\\n\\xa0\\nRead Verses:\\nGenesis 28:1-4; 47:28-31'