Holy Creativity

Published: May 27, 2018, 5 p.m.


Sermon delivered by Dr. Michelle Lattanzio on May 27, 2018.\\xa0Dr. Lattanzio is currently serving as a Hospice Chaplain and Spiritual Care Coordinator in Skokie, IL. Michelle is in Preliminary Fellowship with the UUA and is a graduate of Meadville Lombard Theological School. She holds a PhD in English from the University of South Florida and taught undergraduate classes at USF. She frequently presented conference papers, with her absolute favorite entitled, "From Cowpunchers to Console Cowboys: The Transformation of the Cowboy Figure from the Wild West Frontier to the Cyberworld Frontier.\\u201d Michelle also loves spending time with her dog Axel, creating art, reading, writing, dancing, and rooting for her favorite roller derby teams.\\xa0

The theme for May is what it means to be a people of creativity.\\xa0To read about our\\xa0theme-based ministry, please visit\\xa0http://www.unitytemple.org/faith-development/soul-connections\\xa0on our website.
