Amen to That

Published: May 20, 2012, 3:50 p.m.


There is something about the old preaching style that rings true, that brings a lesson home, and fills the heart with faith and joy.


We read in scripture that when the prophets of old would speak Truth, all the people answered, \\u201cAmen!\\u201d \\u2013 expressing together their enthusiastic agreement.


\\u201cAmen\\u201d is not just a concluding word, grammatically well-placed at the end of a prayer. It means: \\u201cI agree! That goes for me, too!\\u201d and \\u201cBring it on! Let it be so in the manifest as it is in the ideal!\\u201d


The word, \\u201cAmen\\u201d expresses approval, acceptance, agreement, but also is a joyous welcome for the blessing to come into form right here and now. The pattern of effectual prayer that is confirmed by the \\u201cAmen\\u201d is of profound significance in our own creative process. It is our way of saying, \\u201cYes!\\u201d


Have we said, \\u201cYes!\\u201d to divine guidance? Have we said \\u201cYes!\\u201d to healing in mind and body? Have we said, \\u201cYes!\\u201d to prosperity in every aspect of our lives? Have we said, \\u201cYes!\\u201d to harmonious relationships that work all the time and to peace that spreads over the land?


Let all the people say, \\u201cAmen!\\u201d
