The Missing Peace W Trish Mo September 12 With Denny Sargent - WEREWOLF MAGICK

Published: Sept. 13, 2022, 5:44 p.m.

Denny Sargent (aka: Aion 131, Hermeticusnath)
A Seattle writer, artist and university instructor whose extensive global travels and esoteric studies informed the backbone to numerous published books. Involved for decades with numerous esoteric traditions, the author has published works on Alternative Religions, Hermetic Magick, Taoism, Animism, Shinto and Tantra.
Published books include: Global Ritualism, The Tao of Birth Days, Your Guardian Angel And You, Clean Sweep, The Book of the Horned One, Naga Magick, Dancing With Spirits, Werewolf Magick & Dog Magick.