Episode 222: Episode 222 - Elizabeth Lenart - International Fitness Educator and Presenter, National Educator for Balletone®, Senior National Master Trainer for BOSU, Tabata Bootcamp™, Kamagon, Surge and Barre Above®.

Published: May 1, 2021, 12:02 p.m.

Episode 222 - Elizabeth Lenart - International Fitness Educator and Presenter, National Educator for Balletone®, Senior National Master Trainer for BOSU, Tabata Bootcamp™, Kamagon, Surge and Barre Above®. “I am thrilled that education has grown…I love being able to be super inclusive and body positive.” “The pandemic has allowed us more freedom and opportunities for collaboration.” -Elizabeth Lenart Welcome to the FIRST EVER Two Fit Crazies and Microphone Podcast where Brian and Christine are hosting this amazing show from separate locations. While the two crazies are temporarily quarantined from one another, it will not stop them from conducting an amazing interview with a super talented, smart, and beautiful international fitness educator by the name of Elizabeth Lenart. Joining the show from Massachusetts, Elizabeth talks about what “fires her up” and how she was able to thrive in the fitness industry despite a world-wide pandemic. Listen carefully as Elizabeth reveals how she was able to overcome a massive spinal fusion at the age of 13 that left her with two metal rods in her spine. What would appear to be an extreme obstacle for so many, Elizabeth realized that this was a great experience that would help ignite her passion for movement and turn it into a successful career. With a degree in guidance and counselling, along with decades of experience educating, writing programs, presenting, and speaking at fitness conferences around-the-globe, Elizabeth Lenart is changing lives with her messages of inclusivity and body positivity. If you have yet to experience this rock star instructor live via ZOOM or in person, you are missing out! If you want more of Elizabeth, check out one of her Balletone® classes, trainings, workshops, or follow her on social media! Stay Healthy! Stay Crazie! Christine and Brian @twofitcrazies www.twofitcrazies.com tfcpro@twofitcrazies.com Facebook Elizatbeth Lenart Insta: @ElizabethLenartFitness Website: www.ElizabethLenart.com Email: ElizabethLenart@ElizabethLenart.com