Ep 38: Spring Fever Free-for-All

Published: March 28, 2016, 10:05 p.m.


What\'s new with the Two Ewes? Well, not much knitting, but lots of other things have been going on. Both Kelly and Marsha are participating in the"Leave It" Division of the\\xa0 Caithness Craft Un-Knit-Along (UnKAL).\\xa0 There is also a chat thread for this UnKAL in the Twinset Designs Ravelry Group.\\xa0 Marsha has put her Striped Study Shawl in the closet and Kelly has sent her Playground Shawl out to recess. :-)\\xa0


Meanwhile Kelly continues crocheting on the Starwars amigurumi. She has four done, Jabba on the hook and is planning at least ten more for the May the Fourth Be With You deadline!\\xa0 The designer\'s (Lucy Collin) Flickr page has even more ideas than the book that came with the kit!


The Easter Bunny came out so cute and was so fun, Kelly decided to make a toy for both the "grands." The Purple Bunny was a free Drops Designs pattern with a few modifications that can be found in my project page.\\xa0 The purple mohair brushed up really nicely to make a slightly furry bunny.\\xa0The companion toy was Marshall from Paw Patrol, a pattern by Melissa\'s Crochet Patterns.\\xa0\\xa0


Bee-sides the toys, Kelly has created a nucleus hive.\\xa0 See this blog post for more information.\\xa0\\xa0 She has seen the queen bee for the first time.\\xa0 Very exciting!\\xa0 Here is a photo of a queen bee from the Bee Informed website.\\xa0 Maybe someday Kelly will be able to take photos of her own bees.


Marsha continues to work on her Edie Tee by Isabell Kraemer. She has about another 5" to knit and then will begin short rows to shape the bottom edge.


Marsha has stalled out on her Fairfield Cardigan by Michele Wang because she doesn\'t understand a specific stitch. She plans to contact the designer for help because she wants to work on it while visiting Kelly in April.


In January Marsha set the goal of spinning the Shetland and Merino fleeces she purchased last June at the Black Sheep Gathering in Eugene, Oregon. She plans to attend again this year and promised herself she could not buy anymore fleeces until she spun what she already has! She\'s spun about half of the Shetland so far.\\xa0 Here is a link to information about cabled and crepe yarn.\\xa0 Kelly and Marsha discuss this variation of plying.


Enzo is now a little over three months old and weighs 29 pounds. Kelly and Marsha had a good chuckle over some the the crazy looks for poodles that are on the internet. (Photos from Drue Johnson\'s Pinterest Board, Ridiculous Poodle Cuts.)\\xa0 Some of these looks seem borderline animal cruelty and Marsha promises she will never do this to sweet Enzo (unless he is a very naughty dog). ;-)


We\'re having another contest with prizes! You are encouraged to cast on a project for spring but casting on is not required to play. (But really, why would you pass up an opportunity to cast on?)\\xa0 The project can be anything that feels like spring to you. Maybe a Tee or lightweight sweater, spring colors or maybe you want to learn a new technique for a new season.\\xa0 It can be knitting, crocheting, spinning, weaving--or just talking about the above. Finishing is DEFINITELY NOT required!\\xa0 Isn\'t spring fever the urge to be irresponsible? ;-) We have a discussion thread called Spring Fever Free-for-All on Ravelry. The winners will be selected by random number generator, so the more you participate the more chances you have of winning. Contest ends at midnight on May 4th.


For photos, go to the Two Ewes Fiber Adventures blog.
