Episode 038: New Year, Same You

Published: Jan. 10, 2022, 9 a.m.

Happy New Year Thrive Tribe!

You have made it through more than a week of 2022. In this episode, Dr. Dee shares why she doesn't believe in resolutions and the catch phrase "new year, new you". She does share her approach to a new year starting with her thoughts that 2022 will be a year of transformation.

Dr. Dee's 3 tips to establishing new habits and making change in the new year:
1. Make small easily attainable goals
2. Celebrate your wins, both big and small
3. Accountability is a must
Bonus. Don't forget to ask for help!

Looking to make change with a group of like-minded twin moms?
The Prosperous Twin Moms group coaching program is open now until Jan 17th at 9pm. Email drdee@twinmomchronicles.com to get signed up today!

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Ready to create time for yourself without guilt and achieve the dreams you put on the shelf when you became a mom?
Schedule a strategy call with Dr. Dee by clicking here to see if you're a good fit forTwin Mom Chronicles Academy .

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Email: drdee@twinmomchronicles.com

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