TV Podcast #7

Published: Feb. 24, 2007, 6:40 a.m.

Episode 7.Dan & Kathie are back and as chatty as ever.  It's been a big week of television.  Someone flied, someone died.  We lost a rack of Lamb.  Someone walked among us but was not one of us.  Dillion and Denny came to us in a vision.  Someone threatened to kick Jim Halperts ass!  Like I said, a big week...

HIMYM annoyed us
Heroes delivered on its promise
Studio 60 went from zero to suck in less than 60 minutes
Prison Break tried to break back in...

Veronica Mars said goodbye to a shirtless wonder...

Friday Night Lights tackled sex
Lost loses some but keeps us glued
Dan Cries too much...

The Office threatens a life
The OC says goodbye bitch
Grey's heads into the afterlife...

Brothers & Sisters gain a sibling and we scream
Battlestar won't be spoiled...


New Segment Alert: Desert Island Game.  This week we discuss our desert island tv shows.  What's yours?

Plus this week we've added another contest