81: Joel Burget

Published: May 5, 2016, 3 p.m.

b'Joel Burget\\n Joel Burget (@dino_joel)\\n The Recurse Center\\n The algebra (and calculus!) of algebraic data types\\n Pigment\\n hopper-lang/hopper: a sound modern language for computation and transactional resource logic\\n PureScript\\n Elm\\n Flow\\n gaearon/react-hot-loader: Tweak React components in real time.\\n bhauman/lein-figwheel: Leiningen plugin that pushes ClojureScript code changes to the client\\n Nuclide\\n buckie/juno: Smart Contracts Running on a BFT Hardened Raft\\n Sentry: Track exceptions with modern error logging for JavaScript, Python, Ruby, Java, and Node.js\\n TypeScript - JavaScript that scales.'