Reducing Toxins in Our Lives and Environment

Published: March 12, 2019, 12:23 a.m.


In this edition of the Tune into Wellness podcast we have Ken Cook, President and co-founder of the Environmental Working Group and Dr Bojana who has been working at the Eleven Eleven Wellness Center in New York with Dr Lipman.\\xa0

EWG is a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to protecting human health and the environment.\\xa0 it\\u2019s groundbreaking research has changed the debate over environmental health. From households to Capitol Hill, EWG\\u2019s team of scientists, policy experts, lawyers, communication experts and programmers have worked tirelessly to make sure someone is standing up for public health when government and industry won\\u2019t.

it's website, is an invaluable online resource for information regarding what chemicals are in the food and products we use.\\xa0\\xa0 It has over 25 million visitors a year.\\xa0\\xa0
