Kara Landau - Prebiotic gut health expert

Published: April 9, 2019, 5 a.m.


In this podcast, Dr Frank Lipman\'s guest is Kara Landau aka \\u201cTravelling Dietitian\\u201d, who is an Australian\\xa0dietitian, author and founder of Uplift Food with a special expertise in\\xa0prebiotic foods and gut\\xa0health. They discuss the importance of using prebiotic fibers, resistant starches, and polyphenolic compounds in your diet to feed the "good" bacteria in your microbiome.\\xa0 These bacteria or probiotics then generate metabolites,\\xa0 including beneficial short-chain fatty acids, that can have an anti-inflammatory effect on your body.\\xa0 and serotonin, that can reduce depression and anxiety.

Kara now focuses her research on the mood supportive benefits of prebiotic\\xa0foods and the all important gut-brain connection.
