EP68 Latinx Comic Book Artist: Jules Rivera

Published: March 6, 2019, 6:09 a.m.

Jules Rivera, a Latinx Female Engineer turned comic book artist joins us today to share her journey of becoming an independent artist. She has produced the comic book series Valkyrie Squadron, Misfortune High, Love Joolz and is currently working on Manic Pixie Nightmare Girl. She creates graphic novels, illustrations and tutorial videos to say the least. Her work centers on sci-fi, fantasy, and cartoony fun everyone can enjoy. She also has Really Cool Green Hair, which she not only shared the story behind it on this episode but also has a whole comic book about it (Love Joolz). Follow her on all social media platforms including youtube @julesrivera join her on patreon (patreon.com/julesrivera) to get the exclusives and stay up to date on all her projects at the link below!