Not Enough Bad News? Make Stuff Up!

Published: Sept. 15, 2021, noon


Welcome to Truthspresso Express! This is where I record an episode on my commute to or from work.

In this episode of Truthspresso Express I discuss two articles claiming hospital pandemonium that turned out to be fabricated:

  1. A children\'s hospital "hits capacity" from our favorite virus.
  2. A hospital can\'t admit gunshot victims because it\'s loaded with patients suffering from too much "horse dewormer."

Bad News sells--both money and fear. Are these false reports just harmless tricks or honest mistakes? What are the effects of claiming these kinds of false narratives?

Sources Consulted:

Katie Moore, "Children\'s Mercy in Kansas City hits capacity as COVID cases continue rising in metro," Kansas City Star, July 27, 2021.

"Kentucky Hospital Says The Media Is LYING About Hospitals Being \\u2018Overwhelmed\\u2019 With Kids With COVID," enVolve, August, 9, 2021.

Katelyn Ogle, "Patients overdosing on ivermectin backing up rural Oklahoma hospitals, ambulances," KFOR, September, 1, 2021.

Graig Graziosi, "Doctor says gunshot victims forced to wait for treatment as Oklahoma hospitals overwhelmed by coronavirus patients," Independent, September, 4, 2021.
