The Assurance of Salvation & The Hope of Heaven with Abby Houston

Published: Jan. 25, 2022, 9:30 a.m.

If you're anything like me, you've questioned a time or two whether you're really saved. If when you die, you will go to heaven with Jesus or not. This is a natural feeling that we all have, so today on the show, we're diving into what God's Word says about it.


Abby Houston is an online encourager, nanny, social media manager, and talented singer. In this conversation, she is sharing with us what God's Word says about the assurance of salvation, the hope of heaven, and how to practically get excited for heaven! If you struggle with fear of the future and end times, listen to this episode as we talk about what God's Word - the only source of truth and certainty - tells us about this.


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