Love and Unity in a Politically Divided World with Whitney Lowe

Published: Sept. 21, 2021, 8 a.m.

Political drama and division aren't new issues, but they seem more apparent than ever. Through a global pandemic, political elections and more, we've seen more division and heartache than ever. And it's not just affecting the world but also the unity and love between God's church and people.


Whitney Lowe of Scribble Devos is joining us today to talk about how we as Christians should respond to political division and react in unity instead. We're answering questions like: "How can we love each other when we have different political opinions? How can I not be discouraged by the news and world events and keep my eyes on Christ?"


** Disclaimer: We are not here to talk about our personal opinions or alienate anyone from the term "politics", because it can be sticky. Our goal is to look at what God's Word says about unity, love and the body of Christ and how we can fight for it all, no matter our differing opinions.




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