Creating a Quiet Time Rhythm with Naomi Vacaro

Published: March 22, 2022, 8:30 a.m.

One of Tara's #1 most asked questions is how to create a consistent, "quiet time" routine with Jesus. Naomi Vacaro, founder of Wholehearted Quiet Time, is on the show to help us answer these questions we all have.


This conversation is all about: what a "quiet time" is and is not, how to have a consistent time with Jesus, how to study the Bible, and also how to find freedom from doing it just to check off a list. God meant for this time to be saturated in grace, not duty and legalism!


Naomi's book "Quiet: Creating Grace Based Rhythms for Spending Time with Jesus" releases officially on April 5th! Preorder or order now!


Order Naomi's book, "Quiet" here:

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