TOS080: Do Women Need Jesus?

Published: Aug. 1, 2019, 1:47 a.m.

“Do Women Need Jesus?” is the question answered in this episode of Truth of the Spirit with host Patti Brunner. The focus of the world tells women they need to be pretty or rich or dressy or healthy or active or smart. But we say: You need Jesus; Jesus is enough for you. The women in the New Testament will tell us what that means. They help you to know who you are in Christ Jesus. You have a choice to live as a Bride of Christ or as a ‘people pleaser’. . Not all of the women of the New Testament were pretty, smart or healthy—yet each one is shown to become the daughter of Christ as they turned their face toward Jesus. Those who turned away from him found death. We also discuss the decision maker: does this affect eternity? And how you can you grow in your relationship with Jesus?

