TOS052: Facing Finals III - Preparing for a Happy Death and Eternal LIfe

Published: Jan. 17, 2019, 9 a.m.

Join Patti Brunner and Truth of the Spirit for concluding Facing Finals Session 3: Preparing for a Happy Death and Eternal Life. Saint Anthony of Padua wrote that “Nothing is more certain than death and nothing more uncertain than the day and hour of our death.” Sue Yarbrough taught children, “The happiest day of your life is the day you die and get to go to heaven!” In this Facing Finals episode of Truth of the Spirit, Patti Brunner shares that a happy death does not mean an ‘easy’ death. In fact death surrounded by great suffering can still be a happy death. Suffering in this world is not rejection by God. Suffering began by man rejecting God. God so loved the World that He sent his only son to suffer and die in this world so that we could have the opportunity to never suffer again for all eternity—and the person who repents shall live forever in joy. This journey of life is not geared toward a momentary “payoff” like presents on Christmas morning. The joy lasts forever for those called to the table of the eternal banquet in heaven. And it starts with a happy death: A death in friendship with God, a death  dwelling in God’s grace. Included on the blog on are some of the bereavement services offered by St. Vincent de Paul Church in Rogers, AR.