TOS033: Watching the Saints: Joan of Arc and Noah

Published: Sept. 13, 2018, 8 a.m.

Join Patti Brunner for an entertaining movie review series that targets saints.  Patti has discovered that the ratings given to modern movies by the motion picture industry don’t always give the truth about the moral objections to the screening.  She recommends the USSCB Movie Guide. This Truth of the Spirit episode of Watching the Saints finds the glaring flaws as Patti looks at various movie versions about Noah who was instructed by God to build an ark to save mankind from total destruction during a world-wide flood and others about a young teenaged peasant girl, Joan of Arc, who was told by God to save France by standing up for truth above destructive evil and political forces and leading soldiers into battle.  By weeding out misleading videos of these characters and watching truthful stories these heroic characters you will be encouraged to follow their examples of obedience to God despite opposition by forces of evil.