TRU-Life Fridays: ADF's Chuck Allen and Lynn Mills

Published: May 9, 2014, 10 p.m.

b'Earlier this week, the internet exploded over\\xa0the abortion-counselor-turned-consumer Emily Letts as she publicized a video of her allegedly\\xa0having an abortion done on herself. \\xa0TLFR hosts have been wisely cautious about saying too much too soon about this story, and you will know the reason today on-air. \\xa0Tune in to find out exactly what this is and what kind of "cool" we make out of this latest media Shock \'N Awe.\\n\\nNext, is it now not okay to call a spade a spade? \\xa0Attorney Chuck Allen from Alliance Defending Freedom will be our guest to discuss\\xa0the lawsuit between pro-life advocate Ryan Bomberger of The Radiance Foundation and the NAACP. \\xa0Recently, the judge in the case ruled that Ryan committed copyright infringement when he accused the NAACP of being the "National Association for Aborting Colored People." Chuck will talk about the legal ramifications for all pro-life advocates going forward from this case.\\n\\nWe also reconnect with Lynn Mills of Citizens for a Pro Life Society\\xa0and the extensive work she does exposing the practices of abortionists in the Detroit, MI. \\xa0As abortion facilities fall like dominoes in states like Texas, what are abortionists in other\\xa0states doing to keep themselves employed as merchants of death? \\xa0\\n\\nPlus, Melissa will talk about the major news involving\\xa0Charlotte\\xa0area abortionist Ron Virmani. \\xa0Did anyone ever think that abortionists could or would sexually assualt women in their abortion facilities? \\xa0It seems like the "ugly black babies" abortionist is now under legal fire for just such a thing today.'