Urn-ing Your Keep - Part Two

Published: May 15, 2018, 2 a.m.

Joey Stufkosky is currently trying to figure out which is the worst predicament to be in - having his claim to the Harmon Family estate jeopardized because of a missing urn or having a troupe of Tumblesonians tying to help him locate it. The entire team has decided that a Yankee in charge of Hollow Hill is the lesser of two evils given Hickory Harmon's propensity for revenge and Beulah Gold's propensity for sleeping her way into power over the county. Now that Revenue Agent Simon Grey is back in Youngtown with his eye on Joey's situation as well, you'd think it'd be easy to come up with a plan of attack. You'd also be wrong. This marks the first of two episodes left before the epic Tumbleson Season Two Finale!