'Til Death Do Us Part - Part Two

Published: Oct. 2, 2018, 4 a.m.

As if trying to piece together what has happened to Cam Doolittle - and, more importantly, how to save him - Sam and Zenobia had their hands full. Apparently, the universe thought they could deal with just a little more. Each of Tumbleson County's strongest women are about to have their mettle put to the test. Sam has had a ton dropped at her metaphorical doorstep - a premonition of bad things to come. Zenobia's doorstep is occupied more in the physical sense - Baphomet has come callin' and he's brought his A-game with him. How will the fiercesome females handle themselves and what does Sam's premonition mean for the future of Tumbleson County and its citizens? The most troublesome of times lie ahead for Tumbleson County as we march closer to the end... of the podcast series.