TorTR #85 - Watts Happening at the 5 Star Seasoning House

Published: March 14, 2014, 4 a.m.

b'On Episode 85, we are joined by BAFTA Award Winning video game composer, super producer and our friend, Duncan Watt! He joins us in studio, talks about composing for games, talks about his current and former projects and even critiques our movie review of The Seasoning House. We also have a couple of ginormous announcements, there is a near meltdown by MonsterZero and Tiny is back to bring order to our podcast galaxy. Bring your drapes, turn off your microphone and strap in!Topics discussed: films that negatively affect your psyche, Dr. Who, frozen pizza, Sean Pertwee, League of Legends, collaborating, early Final Fantasy soundtracks, Trick or Treat Radio lighting engineers, how Christian Bale got the Batman gig, craft service, Paul Hyett, digital comics, Kevin Howarth, Ravenshadow's social media button, Rosie Day, Robot Unicorn Attack, 1900 Freddy, Dynamo's belt, The Seasoning House, Double Dragon: Neon, Thriller: A Cruel Picture, Teeel, Ares, bullies, Sir Isaac\\u2019s contest, Bioshock Infinite, putting the help in movies, BAFTA Awards, Joust, Titanfall, zubaz, Team Fortress, WCW's hotline, Kung Fu, Angel, Candy Crush Saga, Marvel Puzzle Quest, Cult of Muscle's Synth playing habits, Batman: Arkham Origins, Elevator Action, thigh gap, Space Llama, Bad Milo, the Balkans, I Spit On Your Grave, Dog Soldiers, still in plastic, the cool T-shirt designs Josh made, orchestral scores vs sampled instruments, Resident Evil 2, Injustice: Gods Among Us, XBLA or PSN, Zelda, The Last Horror Movie, whore houses, dragon screw leg whips, Transformers, MZ gambling, Fastestmanintheworld, Freezy\\u2019s exes, sneaker fu, Sandman pants, Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom, Wifenshadow\\u2019s take on our film choices, Saving General Yang, IHOR, Buffalo Wild Wings, TorTR slash fiction, Atlantis, well done gore, colonoscopy, Big Scary Monster Hunts at Midnight, fan fiction, Hostess Ding Dongs, 1-900 number's, Ravenshadow's movie, Tiny's rape revenge, Wolfenstein or Wolfenstein, video game music scoring, Payday 2, Space Taxi, The Curtain Society, the art of flashback transitions, 5/31 show, Anne Frank - Flowers in the Attic and Hellen Keller, best boy, Ronny Yu, Bumble Bee's voice, ROH vs NJPW, rape revenge films, Clockwork Orange, MonsterZero's most deprived films list and poorly decorated rape houses.Support the show'