If The Shoe Was On The Other Foot

Published: Sept. 30, 2020, 3:32 a.m.

On this week's pod the fellas gave their take on the upcoming NBA finals and some other recent news topics such as: Chadwick Boseman taking a pay cut to help another actor in the movie 21 bridges and discussed if the shoe was on the other foot would we expect another to do the same. We also discussed breaking the habit of young professionals within our community not discussing our salaries with each other and lastly a brief conversation on how well we rate our ability to analyze and predict people. ENJOY! Africanist: Email: africanistpodcast@gmail.com Website: www.africanistpod.com  Facebook: The Africanist Podcast Hotline: 301-202-4637 Instagram & Twitter: @africanistpod SoundCloud: @the-africanist Mixcloud: Africanistpod iHeart: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-tribal-talk-30862525/