Episode 85- Power & Responsibility- Ultimate Spider-Man #01-#07

Published: March 3, 2015, 7 a.m.

In this week's ball-biting episode, Magnus continues the downtime by flipping through the first bunch of issues of Ultimate Spider-Man, the opening salvo of Marvel's Ultimate line and also the gateway for Brian Michael Bendis into Spider-Man's world and Mark Bagley's gateway *BACK* into Spider-Man's world.

What ensues is seven issues of... well, something. Good? Bad? A Lady Gaga video? There's absolutely positively only *ONE* way to know for sure. And that's by listening!

For those of you who regularly fall for click-bait tactics "Magnus said *WHAT* about Stan Lee?!"

Leading off all this though is a nice, tantalizing preview of coming attractions... most of which aren't actually coming soon after all because His Excellency reorganized the schedule long after recording this segment. So hmm.

But rest assured, at one point all of that stuff was very much the plan. Just not anymore so much.

So what else is there to say? Start listening now! Or else a genetically-engineered spider will chew up your balls.

Unfortunately though, there's no time for listener feedback this week. Still, you lowly beggars and miscreants shouldn't feel left out. You commoners and peasants are always welcome to pay your pathetic attempt at tribute to Magnus. DiManzocorp interns are ready, willing, able and eager to accept bribes to present your missives to His Excellency for review. The email address to use is excellency@trentusmagnus.com, whereupon your leader might consider thinking about the possibility of potentially discussing whatever you have in mind some day. And that's a promise!

In an act of nearly inconceivable charity, your leader permits the lowly rabble such as you to kiss his ring regarding this or any other episode. Thus, notes of homage may be sent to excellency@trentusmagnus.com for DiManzocorp interns to review.