Trek Geeks: A Star Trek Podcast 172 - The Women of Star Trek

Published: March 27, 2019, 12:51 a.m.

One of the reasons we love Star Trek is because of its incredible and amazingly strong women that have been a part of the franchise since the very beginning.

Characters. Actors. Writers. Producers. Directors. Artists.

They've all contributed to a rich tapestry for more than half a century and Star Trek wouldn't be what it is today without every single one of them.

This week, we'll look at the characters that have helped shape this franchise at every turn. From Lieutenant Uhura to Michael Burnham, we'll discuss the characters that we feel are among the most ground breaking and those that have come to mean a lot to us.

Obviously, there's no way we could discuss them all in a single Trek Geeks episode, so we'll spend the next year celebrating the contributions of women in Star Trek in every capacity.

Plus, we'll have a special bonus segment with our dear friend, Lew Halboth, from FanSets to announce their brand new Women of Star Trek master set which will debut this summer at STLV---and how you could help determine future pins in this series!


We are truly grateful to our friends FIVE YEAR MISSION for allowing us to use their music for every episode of Trek Geeks. They’re creating one song for every episode of TOS and their brand new album is amazing!

Get your copy of YEAR 4 right now over at and, while you’re at it, grab a copy of all their other fantastic albums:  Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, The Trouble with Tribbles, and of course, Spock’s Brain! We know you’ll become just as big a 5YM fan as we are, so what are you waiting for?

Please show them some support and download all their music!
