Published: July 21, 2022, 11 a.m.

Travel Gluten-Free Podcast

Season 07 Episode 14

What’s For Gluten Free Breakfast?


Most people assume that breakfast meals like bacon and sausages are gluten-free because they are made of meat protein. However, you'd be surprised where you would find gluten lurking in your breakfast! In addition, you'd also be surprised about the many gluten free breakfast options that are available to you! In today's Travel Gluten-free Podcast, I will take you through some fantastic ideas for your gluten-free breakfast and what foods to avoid if you're Celiac or gluten intolerant.

Foods to Avoid for your Gluten-free Breakfast


Breakfast cereals are an everyday staple in the American diet. But be forewarned: there is no lack of gluten in cereals! Many people believe that rice cereals are safe because they are rice-based. However, in my experience, I've found that many rice cereals have gluten! 


Malt sweetener or malt flavoring, a common sweetener for rice cereals, is made from barley, which has gluten. I share why you should be careful when consuming breakfast cereals with rice and, ultimately, why you should avoid any foods containing malt or maltodextrin. I cover reasons to look out for maltodextrin in breakfast meats and other breakfast foods and how to label read to ensure your breakfast sausages and bacon are gluten-free.


I also discuss why you should be careful with oats as a Celiac and share some gluten-free oat brands. With oats, you want to ensure that they are purity protocol or certified gluten-free because of the cross-contamination during processing. In addition, you can be sensitive to oat protein. Listen in to learn more details about why oats may affect you if you have Celiac disease.

Food Ideas for your Next Gluten-free Breakfast


Keto cereals are a good choice for a gluten-free breakfast, especially for those on the keto diet or if you're looking to cut out or reduce the amount of sugar in your diet. Discover some fantastic gluten-free keto cereal brands, what to look out for in keto products and why all keto products are not gluten-free.


Find out why certified gluten-free granola is a great option to include in your breakfast and where to find them. Gluten-free bagels and bread are an excellent addition to your breakfast; I share with you some great bagel and bread brands on the market. Since dairy can be hard on your body if you are a Celiac, I'll share why you can find a great alternative to dairy in plant-based protein drinks. In addition, I share some out-of-the-box ideas for your gluten-free breakfast, such as smoked salmon and the healthy fats you can add to your gluten-free breakfast.


Check out Catalina Crunch; a Gluten-free Keto Cereal 

Find Gluten-free Granola at Bob's Red Mill

Protein drinks at OWYN

Protein powder at Orgain

Get your gluten-free bagels at Against the Grain

Gluten-free bread at Franz

Vegetarian and Gluten Free Sausages at Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods.

Great Grains Gluten Free

Journey with Travel Gluten Free

The Guide to Traveling Gluten Free will walk you through planning and enjoying your next gluten-free travel adventure!

Get the BEST all-natural gluten-free travel cosmetics at Lemongrass Spa! 

Find cool gluten-free swag at my gluten-free swag shop

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