You’ll Never Fulfill Your Destiny if You Change Your Direction Every Time You Encounter Difficulty

Published: Dec. 7, 2021, 11 a.m.

Join Pastor Travis Hall in this episode as he talks about the seven major obstacles that keep you from walking in your purpose. Today, Pastor Travis speaks the truth on fear, why discovering purpose is about the who and not the what, how exposure influences your vision, and more. For Pastor Travis, one of the hardest pill to swallow is that sometimes, the only reason we're not moving forward is that we're waiting for someone to move forward with us. And when they don't, to let go becomes an obligation to ourselves.

Tune in as they put the spot on the Transformational Truth #55 - You'll never fulfill your destiny if you change your direction every time you encounter difficulty. Listen with your notes ready because there will be a lot to take away from this episode as you tune in.

In this episode you will learn:

· Your fears are liars!

· God supplies provision to whoever he gives vision

· We tend to rise to the level of purpose we've been exposed to

· The pain we refuse to release is what's holding us back!

· Not everyone who started with you is going to finish with you

· …and so much more.

About Pastor Travis Hall:

Pastor Travis believes God created us on purpose for a purpose. As a pastor and leader for more than 20 years, he has a deep burden in his heart to help people fulfill their God-given potential and adopt a paradigm of leadership that will restore joy to their life.

He and his wife Tina have the honor of serving as lead pastor of Life Church International, a community-centric church with more than 500 people from 75 nationalities. Through their partnership with Satisfeed, they've fed more than 1,000 families per week and also provide local food distributors with basic need supplies to help their communities.

Aside from his beautiful wife and five amazing children, his most thrilling experience is watching God work through their ministry and leadership to bring more than 5,000 souls to faith in Christ.

Catch Pastor Travis Hall on:



New eBook Released, Stop Arguing and Start Communicating, Book by Travis Hall:

Seven Deadly Thoughts, Book by Travis Hall: