Pride Series - Liam LaFleur

Published: June 16, 2020, 10 a.m.

Pride Series Day 16 we talk to Liam LaFleur a fellow podcaster from Chicago Illinois. Liam (Lobotomy) LaFleur is a 38-year-old and who lives in the Chicago land area of Chicago Illinois. He started his medical transition in march 2012 and has gone in and out of visibility throughout it. Liam is originally from South Florida and has traveled a bit living in New York City, Jersey City, Georgia, and rural central Florida. He is happily married to his wife Tam for just over a year. He is a proud (most of the time) Cat Dad to 3 balls of fluffy terror. He co-hosts a true crime based pod cast with his wife called Die It Black. Liam is an artist that works with a variety of mediums, though he tends to learn towards Gothic horror based portraits. He is also a musician, loves to sing, play guitar, and bass. Liam is a part of the 3 piece all trans pop punk band Size of Sadness. He also plays bass guitar for an upcoming Alt-Country group Casey and the pickups. He is also a writer and has been putting together a collection of poetry.

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