Topic 190: The Holidays are Here

Published: Nov. 9, 2023, 11 a.m.


Anticipate it. Run from it. The holidays arrive all the same. And now they're here! Sleeping Beauty snow has arrived. The tree has gone up. The foodie guides have dropped. And the music is about to start playing. Halloween Time was longer, so don't complain. Instead, join Kirk & Rain... as they look forward to the festive season and read through all the foodie guides so you don't have to. They'll try to put some jam on that dry toast and let you know what looks good, what looks bad, and what's just the same item as last year. Satisfy your craving for Christmas and hankering for Hanukkah on a minty new episode of Trammin' - A Disneyland Podcast!

Listen to our full episodes every Windsday!

Disney Eats: Foodie Guide to Holidays at the Disneyland Resort 2023

Disney Eats: Foodie Guide to Disney Festival of Holidays 2023 at Disneyland Resort

Disney Eats: Foodie Guide to Festive Gingerbread Houses, Displays 2023!

Trammin' -
Christian Rainwater -
Kirk -

Trammin' - The Disneylanders, Addy Daddy
Used with permission.

Character Art & Animation
Nadia Dar -

Trammin' - A Disneyland Podcast
