Why Mainstream Diets Don't Work for Women in Midlife

Published: Aug. 9, 2022, 8 a.m.


Hint: it\\u2019s not because you\\u2019re lazy or don\\u2019t have willpower.

When you purchase a product or service that does not work or even causes harm, you might blame the company, demand a refund, leave a bad review, and skip out on it next time.\\xa0

When that product or service is a part of the diet industry, you may blame yourself and return time and again to spend even more money on these services.\\xa0

Why is that?\\xa0

Well, unlike most other factors in our life, we consider our body\'s weight and appearance to be solely a personal responsibility and, for some, a personal failure.\\xa0

Women are continually socialized to think that\\xa0 WE\\u2019RE the ones who are wrong. That there\\u2019s something wrong with us - our bodies are \\u2018mysterious\\u2019 or weird.\\xa0

Women are not little men & so our bodies respond to food and exercise very differently than men. So we need a unique approach that\\u2019s specialized to address our hormonal profile in midlife.\\xa0

Tune in to learn how women have been set up to fail since childhood
