When other people are losing weight, but you're not

Published: April 27, 2021, 8 a.m.


It\\u2019s hard not to feel like something is wrong with us when we try so hard to lose weight and it seems like everyone around us is having massive success. Sometimes we feel jealous, petty, and down right resentful.

We want to be the supportive friend, but far too often when other people around us are having success in getting consistent with their exercise habits, discovering great new ways of preparing vegetables, or are completely beaming because they feel like they\\u2019ve discovered their magic formula, what we really want to do is punch them in the nose.

But we can\\u2019t do that.\\xa0

In this episode of the Done with Dieting Podcast, learn the 3 secrets that can turn that negative thought pattern around so that you can use other people\\u2019s success as motivation instead of deflating you.

Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/podcast/15

