What Happens During a Consult Call?

Published: July 25, 2023, 8 a.m.


Ever wondered what really goes down during a consult call with me?\\xa0

Prepare to have the curtain lifted as I reveal the ins and outs of a consult call, including how it\'s vastly different from your traditional sales or discovery calls. I\\u2019m here to empower, not to pressure \\u2013 so sit back, relax, and discover what this transformative conversation could hold for you.

In today\'s episode, I will walk you through the importance of preparing for a consult call, setting aside uninterrupted time, and reflecting on your goals and challenges. I dig into the questions you can expect and discuss the crucial next steps in your health journey.\\xa0

Ready to embark on a path towards a healthier, happier life? Grab your favorite beverage, and let\'s dive in together!

Chapter Summaries:

What Happens on a Consult Call (0:00:06)

A consult call explores needs, goals, challenges, and empowers decision-making without sales pressure.

Preparing for a Consult Call (0:09:27)\\xa0

I discuss goals, challenges, lifestyles, habits, motivations, methods, obstacles, and a vision for the future.

The Health Journey Together (0:25:21)\\xa0

I discuss needs, goals, challenges, and schedule a consult call for a healthier, happier life.

\\xa0"Peek behind the scenes of a consult call and discover the transformative power of empowering conversations that lead to a healthier, happier life." - Elizabeth Sherman

\\xa0Get full show notes and more information here: https://elizabethsherman.com/podcast/132

