Trust Bank

Published: March 16, 2021, 8 a.m.


Are we entitled to lose weight? So many health & fitness gurus tell us that if we want to lose weight, all we need to do is eat less and move more. So, it makes sense that when we do those things - eat salads instead of pizza, or broccoli instead of brownies - and then stand on the scale, and the scale doesn\\u2019t reflect what we think it should, that we\\u2019d get discouraged.

And of course, when we feel discouraged, we\\u2019re more likely to give up on whatever plan it is that we\\u2019re on.

So many of us resentful towards our bodies - that they aren\\u2019t holding up to their end of the deal. That our bodies are different. Bad in some way because they don\\u2019t look like they should - look like what other people\'s bodies look like - or do what they\\u2019re \\u2018supposed to\\u2019.

What if your body could NOT be wrong? But maybe y\\u2019all are having a mis-communication issue, which is resulting in a bad relationship?

This episode covers the mistakes that many of us make when losing weight from a dieters mindset, and how to improve your relationship with your body so that you can stop fighting it, and learn to love it - or at least come to accept it.

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