The Power of Visualization

Published: June 15, 2021, 8 a.m.


Do you use the power of visualization when it comes to achieving your goals? If you\\u2019re not, you\\u2019re missing out.

I\\u2019ve talked about visualization on the podcast before, in a few techniques that I use within my coaching practice, but on episode 22 of the Done with Dieting Podcast, we\\u2019re talking about the power that visualization has to create your results: Visualizing what\\u2019s going to happen BEFORE it even happens.

See, we often use our past experiences to determine if we\\u2019re capable of doing something in the future. (Example: I\\u2019ve made rice before, so I\\u2019m relatively confident that I can make risotto.)\\xa0

Because weight loss will often take several attempts before we are successful. We often use those past attempts as evidence that weight loss isn\\u2019t meant for us.

When your confidence and belief that you can be successful in your goal are low, having a vision can help you to pull through.

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