The Long Game

Published: Dec. 21, 2021, 9 a.m.


We all want fast results. Especially when it comes to weight loss. And as much as we want the weight to be gone yesterday, I suspect what we want more is to never have to go through this lose-the-weight/regain-it cycle ever again.

Yes, we want to lose weight quickly, but we also want permanent weight loss. We don\\u2019t want to have to deal with this problem over and over and over again.

In a time where 30 day Jump Starts, 8-week Challenges, and 13-week detoxes are everywhere, the thought of spending a year focused on one\\u2019s weight seems unheard of.\\xa0

Yet, clearly fast weight loss doesn\\u2019t work because if it did, we wouldn\\u2019t have the statistic that 97% of folks who lose weight regain it in 3-5 years.

Think about if we were to dedicate a year to learning to speak a language, or play a musical instrument - spending a year focused on one goal like that could yield fantastic results.

I first learned about a Year of Health last year, and have become more and more fascinated with the concept since then.
